Sunday 11 December 2011

Normal service to resume soon....

It's been ages since my last post, mostly because the move to London took over my life. But we're now settling in, and I've done a couple of epic breakfasts, including a triple batch of blueberry pancakes this morning.
Plans are for stollen in the run up to Christmas, and, if needed, some vegan mince pies.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Porter cake

Baked cupcakes for estate patrol and the porters who saved us yesterday in a pinch. I've become my mother - baking as a thank you!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Women's Institute

One of my proudest moments?  Winning a WI cake baking competition on behalf of my WI group with my Mexican chocolate cake.  This is me accepting the prize.

It's old, but not stale, cake

So, each year, my other half sets me a challenge for his birthday - some kind of historically-themed cake.  The first year, it was viking helmet cake (Guinness chocolate cake with vanilla frosting)

The next year, it was Stonehenge cake... (pistachio with chai frosting)

This year, it was sword cake (chocolate and coconut cake with coconut frosting)

So, what will next year hold?